Transparency in Coverage

Group health plans and health insurers must make three separate machine-readable files publicly available. These files have been formatted for ease of discovery and are updated monthly to include detailed pricing information for our in-network (INN) providers, out-of-network (OON) providers, and INN negotiated rates and historical net prices for our drug formularies. In accordance with this requirement, we have the following files available for use: index data, INN medical provider data and OON medical provider data. The requirement to post a machine-readable file (MRF) containing the in-network negotiated rates and historical net prices for all covered prescription drugs by plan or issuer at the pharmacy location level has been deferred until further notice.

Frequently asked questions about transparency

Contact us

Price transparency requirements can result in very large file sizes that may, in turn, cause issues while downloading them. If you are experiencing problems, please try a different web browser or check your internet and Wi-Fi speed.

For questions about an issue with this site or downloading files, please contact us for support by emailing or by calling 877-274-1715.

Please include this information in your email:

  • A detailed description of the question or issue
  • Any errors you are receiving, including date and time of error
  • Group information for the data you are attempting to download
  • Your contact information