August 2022

A person sits in front of a computer at a call center. The words Thank you for listening appear on the wall in bold black letters.

Investing in South Carolina's Mental Health

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) launched the 988 service this year to help those struggling with thoughts of self-harm. An unfunded federal mandate required NSPL to launch the 988 service as a 24/7 universal dialing code in July. Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) is the only call center in South Carolina handling these lifeline calls. The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation continues its support of our state’s mental health through a grant to MHAGC.

A group of children of different genders and ethnicities runs down a hallway.

9 Things Parents Can Do for a Healthy School Year

The schools are read and teachers prepared to welcome kids back to classrooms across the state. But before the first day, learn how BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina’s Dr. Derick Wenning, an associate medical director, says parents can set their kids up for a healthy school year.

voorhees college students sitting around table looking at computers

5 Questions With Voorhees University

In 2020 BlueCross made a commitment to the state's six private, four-year historically Black colleges and universities. Voorhees College in Denmark recently added graduate programs and became a university. The head of the college's advancement office shares how the school is changing. 

baby legs with bandage over injection site

The Importance of Vaccines and the Flu Shot

Undoubtedly, vaccines have been on everyone’s mind since the start of the pandemic. Here are the basics on vaccines and the flu shot and why you should make sure you and your family members are up to date on your vaccines.

Two parents and three children work together to prepare a healthy meal.

Staying Healthy During the Back-to-School Rush

Diabetes Free SC (DFSC) is supporting two complementary organizations that focus on school-based wellness: the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness. Both organizations work with schools and school districts across our state to ensure our schools are the healthiest places they can be — for students, staff, families and communities. In the back-to-school spirit, DFSC offers some of its favorite tips to make sure your family stays healthy during this busy time of year.