December 2020

The days are getting shorter and COVID-19 cases are spiking. Increased stress because of the pandemic and its companions — isolation, the challenges of navigating kids’ education schedules, potential economic hardship, a polarized political climate and the fear of, or reality of, losing loved ones — all add to the mental health burden people are feeling right now. Together, all this may make this winter more difficult.
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College classes may be ending but many students will spend the winter break away from campus working on applications for summer internships. Our BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina internship experts have some tips for landing that summer gig and answers to commonly asked questions.
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More than 500,000 South Carolinians have been diagnosed with diabetes. Those who live with the disease also have a higher risk of developing other health complications, including severe illness caused by COVID-19.The disease can be managed with proper care.
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