Why You Should Take Your Medication as Prescribed
Dec. 12, 2024

Have you ever not taken a medication as prescribed? Or listened to your doctor’s treatment plan? It is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor. It can affect your health if you don’t.
It may seem obvious. Every year, poor medical adherence* causes 125,000 deaths and costs $300 billion in additional medical appointments, emergency visits or hospitalizations.
“It is important to follow the directions because medicines are designed to work optimally based on certain criteria, such as taking medicines at scheduled times of the day or with food,” says Dr. Sarahann Draffin, a medical director at BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina. “For your medicine to be as effective as possible, you need to follow directions either on the over-the-counter packaging or on the prescription your doctor writes.”
People may not take their medication as directed for many reasons, including:
- Taste.
- Dosing schedule.
- Forgetting.
- Thinking it doesn’t help.
- Cost.
- A fear of side effects.
“Anytime you are prescribed a medicine, be sure to ask questions. Communication with your doctor is key,” Draffin says.
Start with why is the medication important. If you have concerns about the side effects, bring these up with a trusted medical professional.
Knowing how to talk with your doctor can be very important for your health. Starting conversations can be hard, but you can write down your questions if that is easier.
If you have trouble remembering to take medicine at the specified time, set an alarm. Use pill boxes for specific days. Put a schedule in your kitchen or bathroom.
Cost can be a big barrier. Talk with your doctor about the medicine to make sure it is covered by your insurance. There are cost saving programs at certain pharmacies as well. And you may be able to find coupons or codes for discounted prices online.
“If you have something that's stopping you from not taking your medications as prescribed, talk to your doctor about it. They may be able to find an alternative that will help,” she says.
*This link leads to a third-party website. The American Heart Association is an independent organization that provides health information you may find useful.
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