
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is one of the leading employers in South Carolina. Our people make us a leader in our industry. Find insight from BlueCross leadership on health care, team building and the workplace.

Talking Women in the Workplace With BlueCross Leaders
July 30, 2021: Mentorship is a key to a successful career, but finding mentors can be a challenge for women. Creating a positive work environment for women with opportunities for career development is a priority for BlueCross. We hosted a series of conversations with women at BlueCross about their career experiences. Women who are just starting their careers with BlueCross had an opportunity to ask leaders within the company about their experiences.
How We Protect Our Business, Members Through Risk Management
July 31, 2024: BlueCross plays an important role in our state. The company can't do this work without protecting itself from a myriad of risks. This is where Louis McElveen and his team come in. He shares why their work is important.

BlueCross leader named to Women of Influence list
Dec. 30, 2021: A Columbia business publication has recognized a BlueCross leader for her extensive community involvement and professional leadership. Stephanie DeFreese, vice president of agency sales, is one of 22 honorees named to Columbia Regional Business Report’s 2021 Women of Influence list.

Defining the Constant Edge Amid Constant Change
March 10, 2022: BlueCross' Sarah Martin, vice president for partner solutions, discusses today's health care market. Martin's team works to make sure they are providing clients a constant edge. She shares what that constant edge means to their business and how they provide that to their clients.

Leading Nurses at BlueCross
May 19, 2022: For Nurses Appreciation Month, Care Management Manager Juanita Graham, RN, shares how her clinical experience informs her role managing a team of nurses. Graham has worked for BlueCross in various nursing roles since 1997.

Meet Our Chief Doctor
March 30, 2023: Dr. Nate Henderson became our chief medical officer last year. He joined BlueCross in 2020. We talked with Dr. Henderson about his role at BlueCross and how he serves our members.

How Our Focus on Members Drives Business Success
June 29, 2023: BlueCross' director of digital experience shares how the company's dedication to its members and meeting member needs creates wins for the digital team. Karen Kraft has more than 10 years experience and leads the focus on digital at BlueCross.

IT Leader Shares Value of Diverse Career With BlueCross
Sept. 21, 2023: Elizabeth Hollowell, assistant vice president of commercial information systems in the company’s information technology (IT) division, has worked for the company in various roles for 17 years. She explains how BlueCross' support for career growth encourages employees to find their interests.
HR Leader Connects People
Fe. 1, 2024: Vida Jennings has more than 20 years of working at BlueCross. Throughout her experience, she has connected people. She shares what she has learned in her diverse career and how she continues to foster growth as the company's director of employee relations and diversity and inclusion.

Leader Shares Importance of Board Service
June 20, 2024: Many employees donate their time by serving on boards for local organizations. Tiffany Freeman-Holston, senior public policy counsel with BlueCross, has served on six boards through the years. She discusses why giving her time is just as important as other forms for philanthropy.

Leading With Compassion
Nov. 25, 2024: A focus on kindness and customer service has made BlueChoice HealthPlan a leader in South Carolina. Leader Tim Vaughn promotes a commitment to members and employees, and this approach has contributed to the company's success for the past four decades.